Products |
Physician's Golf Injury Desk Reference
The first of its kind! An essential new book for all healthcare
providers treating golfers, this comprehensive text offers important
information on the diagnosis and treatment of golf injuries.
Dr. Blanchard combines his unique practitioner expertise with his
actual play experience as a competitive golf professional to offer
readers a more complete understanding of taking care of patients
who love to play golf.
The Physician's Golf Injury Desk Reference is designed
to help providers link swing mechanics to injuries to help identify
the root cause of an injury and to help identify if patients are
at risk of injury before they even hit a golf ball. Material is
presented in a concise and clear manner, with visual aide, objective
chapter openers and summaries on what the reader should learn, as
well as examples, boxed articles, and case studies to help illustrate
the chapter concepts.
This book helps teach readers how to perform a 14-point physical
examination and a 3-point swing mechanics analysis, and includes
correction protocols for any failed examination findings. The text
also includes practical training technology from the PGA, LPGA,
and Champions Tour for golf fitness and conditioning for "well
patients" looking to improve their game.
You Fit For Golf Booklet
Most golf related
injuries are caused by lack of golf-specific flexibility combined
with unstable posture. There are 14 areas of the body that must
be conditioned to prevent injury and play better golf.
Price: $10.00 US - DOWNLOAD
(you will be emailed a download link once we have verified payment)
Patient Forms Packet
All files are
in PDF format so you can print on demand! The Patient Forms Packet
includes: New Patient Exam, Stretch for Golf, Posture Corrections,
Swing Mechanics
Price: $50.00 US - DOWNLOAD
(you will be emailed a download link once we have verified payment) |
Swing Light Trainer
The Swing Light
Trainer is a lightweight swing training device that allows golfers
to see and understand their golf swing plane as they swing their
own clubs. No attachment required, just use this tool with your
own club and you're ready to practice. Please call our office at
(805) 772-8298 for bulk order pricing of 5 or more.
Price: $70.00 US |
Power Meter is
a golf power meter that attaches to any club in your bag to instantly
and accurately read your club head speed so that you can increase
your swing power and swing speed. Get instant feedback while improving
consistency and control so that you hit longer and straighter!
Price: $89.00 US |
Certified Grads Only |
Graduation Promotion
Package All
files are in PDF format so you can print on demand! The Grad Promo
Package includes: Golf Injury Certified Logo, Wall Poster, New Patient
Brochure,The Patch, Seminar Swing Clips DVD, PGA Referral Pad, Warm-Up
for Golf, Functional Conditioning for Golf, Power Point Presentation.
Price: $245.00 US |
Order individual files! Please
call our office at (805) 772-8298 for details! |
Once you own the artwork file, you can get your Golf Injury Certified
logo on hats, shirts, jackets and golf bags. This is guaranteed
to get people to ask you what you do for golfers.
$25.00 |
This is a high resolution PDF that can be blown-up to a 24”
x 36” poster. We recommend you get it printed on foam core
with a gloss coat finish. The poster reads, “Do You Play Golf?”
and creates awareness that you are Certified in Golf.
$39.00 |
Patient Brochure
This is a tri-fold PDF file prepared in color and in black/white.
It’s titled, “Every Time I Swing It Hurts!”. The
brochure will describe your advanced post-graduate training in golf
injuries, golf fitness and conditioning. The brochure will explain
to your patient what to expect during a visit with you.
$49.00 |
Patch – QuickTime Movie
This 20 minute video will show you the practical application of
The Egoscue Method. Condition 1, 2 and 3 are identified and correction
protocols are demonstrated in The Patch. Very informative and entertaining.
$49.00 |
Swing Clips – QuickTime Movie
This DVD will offer visual proof of tour pros relative to swing
Key Points 1, 2 and 3. These are helpful reminders for you as well
as good visual demonstrations for your patients.
$49.00 |
Referral Pad
A PDF for you to print and pad. You want every PGA instructor in
your community to have one of your referral pads on the driving
range where they work with their students.
$15.00 |
for Golf
This PDF file, designed as a patient handout, shows several exercises
based on The Egoscue Method to warm the body up for the rotation,
lateral bending and extension that occurs when swinging a golf club.
$15.00 |
Conditioning for Golf
For your patients who are no longer in pain. This PDF file, designed
as a patient handout, shows exercises based on the Egoscue Method
to promote strength and power during the golf swing.
$15.00 |
Point Presentation
When the opportunity presents itself for you to speak before a live
audience, this “Are You Fit For Golf” power point presentation
will save you a lot of time…it’s ready to go including
a script for what to say over each slide.
$99.00 |