On Line Training
Basic and Intermediate Golf Injury Seminars are avaliable now!

Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Training

This comprehensive on-line course offers important information on the diagnosis and treatment of golf injuries. Dr. Blanchard has combined his unique practitioner expertise (26 years in private practice) with his actual play experience as a competitive golf professional (career low round of 62) to offer students a more complete understanding of taking care of patients who play golf. The course includes excerpts from Dr. Blanchard’s textbook, The Physician’s Golf Injury Desk Reference and has been designed to help students link swing mechanics to injuries in an effort to help identify if a patient is at risk of injury before they even hit a golf ball. The following topics are covered in detail:

The Anatomy of a Golf Injury: There area reported 20 million golf injuries every year! Learn the mechanism behind the most common golf injuries and learn how you can educate your patients to play injury-free.

New Patient Examination: There are 14 areas of the body that require golf-specific conditioning. You will need to know the areas, know how each area relates to the golf swing, know how to examine the area and know how to treatment protocols should you patient fail any part of the examination.

Golf Posture: To avoid injury, golf requires specific balance and stability that is directly related to the patient’s posture. You will learn how to identify postural instability and the treatment/ correction protocols for posture that is golf-specific.

Swing Analysis: Most patients who become injured playing golf have put themselves at risk of injury based on how they repeatedly swing the club around their body. They are out of position. You will learn to identify the correct positions and if your patient’s are at risk of injury before they ever hit the ball.

Barriers to Performance: There are 4 categories of performance barriers. You will be taught how to help your patient’s identify their barriers. You will learn the treatment and training protocols that will give your patients the opportunity to take their game to the next level.

Strength and Power: Everyone who plays golf would like to hit the ball further. To hit the ball further requires your patients to generate more club head speed. You will learn Dr. Blanchard’s 7-point plan for generating more club head speed to hit longer more powerful golf shots.

Case Studies: There are numerous case studies designed to challenge your growing expertise using everything you have learned from the combined courses.

The material is presented in a concise and clear manner with over 200 photos, illustrations, 60 different Quick Time Movies as visual aids and audio voice-overs from the author.

Visit: www.eGolfInjurySeminars.com

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