Golf Today Magazine - Cover Story
Jeff Blanchard - The Golf Doctor
Leonard Finkel
In the world
of golf, Jeff Blanchard is a triple threat. A former Commissioner
of the California State Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Dr. Blanchard
has been in private practice in California since 1980. He is the
founder and Director of the Orange County Golf Center for Manipulation
Under Anesthesia (MUA) and Pain Management at the Anaheim-West
Outpatient Surgical Center. He is the “doctor who teaches
doctors” how to diagnose and treat golf related injuries.
Hundreds of physicians each year study with Blanchard.
Dr. Blanchard
became a golf professional in 1998. He is also a design consultant
for the Titleist Training Center, Taylor Made Golf and Ceramix
Golf. Doc Blanchard has played professionally on the Pepsi, California,
Tear Drop and Golden State tours, with a career low round of 62.
As a student, Jeff has worked for five years with noted instructor,
Bob Cisco, of the Ultimate Golf School. Based in Southern California,
Cisco, the author of Ultimate Putting and The Ultimate Game of
Golf, has also tutored major championship winners on the PGA Tour
including Tony Jacklin (1969 British Open, 1970 US Open) Gay Brewer
(1967 Masters) and Bobby Nichols (1964 PGA).
His passions for the game of golf and his medical career led Doc
to merge these two diverse fields. An extensive medical background
coupled with his knowledge of the game, gives him an exceptional
understanding of the physical movements associated with the golf
swing. Referring to Blanchard’s career low 62, Cisco points
out that, “I must say that in many ways doesn't surprise
me. Jeff is jewel and rarity as a student in that he can take
the information, assimilate it and make it his own. Whether uncovering
new approaches in the field of chiropractic or in golf, Jeff has
a way of accomplishing rather amazing feats. As a healer, teacher
and player, never before has there been this combination of skills.”
Swinging a Better Way…”Doc”
Teaches Doctors
Blanchard has married his medical skills and his experience as
a competitive golf professional to bring an unparalleled perspective
to golf education. He organized a continuing education seminar
for doctors, approved by the California State Board of Chiropractic
Examiners for license renewal. In association with Innercalm Associates,
he leads a seminar that focuses on teaching health care professionals
how to assess and treat golf specific injuries. These seminars
are scheduled twenty-four times a year primarily in California
and other western states. The course has become so popular that
a curriculum is in the works for a Chiropractic Board Certification
Specialty in golf related injuries and patient care.
At these seminars, attendees are schooled in the mechanics of
the golf swing to better understand the potential for injury and
how the swing affects golf specific muscles. There are three fundamental
causes of golf injuries: poor posture, lack of flexibility and
poor swing mechanics. The root cause of poor mechanics is often
the result of a physical restriction or mechanical dysfunction,
which may very well be alleviated through chiropractic procedures.
Lack of flexibility can also be addressed by treatment along with
a prescribed a stretching program specifically designed around
each patient’s restrictions. Obviously, Chiropractic care
is ideally suited to deal with poor posture.

With a grasp
of proper swing mechanics under their belt, attendees are then
taken through the clinical protocol procedures designed by Dr.
Blanchard for treatment. The golf swing is discussed in relation
to how each area of the body is affected. Some restrictions and
dysfunctions are curable, but the seminar also teaches methods
that assist golfers in working through their restrictions, while
enabling them to produce the best swing mechanics possible. As
a part of the class, attendees spend time on a golf range hitting
balls, and see firsthand the cause and effect that Blanchard preaches.
His philosophy asserts that sound swing mechanics are essential
to maintaining physical health and also lower scores.
Richard Cotton of Carlsbad, California, a corporate and individual
fitness consultant specializing in custom fitness programs attended
a recent seminar. Cotton, of First Fitness Inc. of Salt Lake City,
Utah is the former Chief Exercise Physiologist and current spokesperson
for the American Council on Exercise. He says, “Dr. Blanchard
teaches a very comprehensive flexibility and fitness assessment,
which directly affects the golf swing.” Cotton adds that,
“This information is more valuable than a lesson on the
range. Blanchard’s introduction of the EZ light swing trainer
device to trace the point of origin of the swing was enlightening.
An illustration of a patient that developed wrist problems as
a result of compensations from a flat swing was a great example
of how a health care provider can work with a golf professional
to the benefit of our golf patients.”
Feedback from attendees has been nothing short of fantastic. Dr.
Paul Helzer of the Helzer Healing Arts Center, an all-encompassing
facility in Bellflower, California utilizing a wide range of medical
specialists including MD’s, Chiropractors, Orthopedists
and physical therapists found Blanchard’s seminar, “Has
made a tremendous difference. It has been beneficial to patients
from both the medical and game improvement standpoints.”
The facility has gone so far as creating an area where golf patients
work with the swing light and video. Helzer adds that, “The
mind-body analysis that Blanchard teaches has been a boost to
our business. Chiropractors are body mechanics and understanding
the dynamics of the golf swing has significantly aided our ability
to help our golfers, rather than just commiserating with their
"Whatever shape you are in, this seminar will teach you how
to swing properly, enjoy the exercise and minimize pain and soreness,”
says Dr. Amy Aquarian of Santa Monica, President of the Physician's
Council on Obesity. Dr. Diane Jordan of Redondo Beach, California
wrote in that, “You don't need to be a golfer to LOVE this
seminar. I left with an understanding of the golf swing and how
to diagnose and treat golf injuries." "This is the best
re-licensing seminar I have ever attended...EVER!!!,” wrote
Dr. Karl Hoffower, Los Gatos, Ca. Blanchard has also worked as
a chiropractic consultant to Scripps Clinics and the University
of California, San Diego.
Corporate & Public Clinics
The “Doctor that teaches Doctor’s” is also bringing
that knowledge directly to the general public as well as the corporate
world. That he can train health care practitioners is a given,
but that same information can also be shared, on a simpler level,
with the average golfer. In these clinics, Blanchard begins by
once again explaining the biomechanics of the swing, but in layman’s
terms. The general theme and topics remain the same. Information
is delivered from the standpoint of the golfer and the course
he can take to assess his personal health and fitness situation
in relation to his swing mechanics. At these clinics, more detail
is paid to the golf swing itself, and somewhat less time is spent
on the medical aspects. The six-hour clinic is a prerequisite
to individual training. After a student has absorbed the seminar
content, Blanchard‘s lessons are taught primarily via a
9-hole playing lesson format.
On the Cutting Edge…of
Medicine & Golf
A recent injury brought me to Dr. Blanchard. A conservative approach
to treatment failed to return me to health, so under the “Golf
Doc’s” care; I underwent a procedure called Manipulation
Under Anesthesia, a non - invasive surgical procedure for patients
who suffer from chronic musculoskeletal disorders. MUA is an option
for patients who failed to respond to previous conservative therapy.
A result of a fall, two herniated discs were keeping me off the
golf course and in serious pain. A prior disc injury had kept
me away from the game for almost three years and required major
neck surgery.
On three consecutive mornings, I was placed under a general anesthesia
while Dr. Blanchard manipulated the affected area of my body.
The anesthesia is necessary to discourage resistance during the
procedure and avert a painful experience. Each successive day,
the damaged area was able to be worked deeper and provide muscular
release and relief from my agony. The procedure allowed me to
play once again, pain free. It was such a spectacular success,
that by the time this story is in print, I will have undergone
an elective MUA at the Orange County Manipulation Under Anesthesia
and Pain Center at the Anaheim West Surgical Center, on my shoulders
and left hip.

MUA is not indicated for everyone who has back or neck pain. Careful
selection and screening of the patient is essential. The MUA procedure
is a gentle combination of repeated stretching and manipulation
techniques to restore full and proper range of motion to affected
areas. The procedure has proven to be most effective when working
around the spine and shoulders. Indications for prospective MUA
patients include nerve entrapment, chronic muscle pain, scar tissue,
disc bulges and herniations, sciatica pain, and healed compression
fractures. “MUA is usually performed as an outpatient procedure
over the course of three days,” reports Dr. Susan Moein,
MD, of the California Academy for Manipulation Under Anesthesia.
The CAMUA provides State Board Certification for physicians who
train to become specialists in MUA. With follow up physical therapy,
research points out that approximately 70% of MUA patients can
return to their normal work and active life style. According to
Innercalm Associates, a 1999 paper issued by the International
Spinal Injection Society indicated that 68.6 % of 177 patients
studied were well enough to return to work and experienced no
adverse effects. In addition to a chiropractic assistant on hand
during the MUA, a medical doctor and a registered nurse specializing
in OR techniques are always present during the brief procedure.
Blanchard Golf Injury Seminars
A rib cage injury Doc suffered during a tournament in Temecula,
California gave rise to the idea for a golf school. Hitting 300
to 500 balls every day, compounded by poor flexibility was the
root cause of his injury. For the next five months, Blanchard
could swing a club, but any contact with a ball led to excruciating
pain. Without the flight of the ball to give him feedback, Doc
realized he had no idea if he was correctly rehearsing the proper
swing path. “I taped small flashlights (later to be replaced
by the more effective EZ Way Swing Light Trainer) to both ends
of my clubs. After weeks of swinging in the garage, I discovered
the exact origin of the swing plane for every club in the bag,”
says Blanchard. “With an established plane of origin, I
was able to practice perfectly, without hitting a golf ball,”
Blanchard maintains. He began sharing his insights with friends.
Before he knew it, he was getting referral calls to help other
players. In June of 1999, the Blanchard Golf Injury Seminars debuted.
If you’re looking for game improvement, lower scores and
you’re willing to commit to working, Blanchard’s Golf
Injury Seminars might be just the thing for you. Dr. Blanchard
offers no band-aids or quick fixes. His philosophy declares that
to develop a solid golf game, an all-encompassing approach needs
to be taken. “The old model of a teacher working with a
student for an hour on the range, just doesn’t work,”
Blanchard asserts. “That the average golf handicap has dropped
only two tenths of a stroke over the last thirty years despite
the advances in technology, demonstrates that a change is needed,”
he forcefully adds. Dr. Blanchard’s approach is a comprehensive
program dealing with four key components; Structure and physical
conditioning, swing mechanics, nutrition and playing lessons.
Blanchard suggests potential students view his Swing Technology
DVD as an introduction. Virtually all the great golf instructors
stress the importance of the “swing plane” and it’s
the key to Blanchard too. As part of the 6-hour program, every
attendee of the workshop is taught to use an EZ Way Swing Light
Trainer. The swing trainer literally illuminates the path and
plane of your golf club, while you are swinging. This instant
feedback is very important. Other fitness and workout aids are
also introduced along with a conditioning regimen.
The day alternates between indoor work and ball striking sessions
on the range. The workshops are limited in size, due to the personal
nature of the instruction. There is also a take home workshop
manual. Whether you sign up for the full Seminar or just a bit
of individual instruction, playing lessons are an integral part
of the program. Normally because of the time involved, a playing
lesson is too costly for most students. Because Blanchard feels
so strongly that this type of teaching and learning is vital,
he keeps pricing inordinately low for the playing lessons.

I found the
playing lessons to be especially helpful and have been playing
better golf and scoring lower ever since. Each playing lesson,
usually one-on-one, is catered to the students’ individual
needs. “These lessons give the student the opportunity to
take their training to the golf course under game conditions,”
says Blanchard. No scores are kept and explanations are given
at every turn. Blanchard stresses a shorter, more compact swing,
particularly for players not regularly shooting in the 70’s.
He had me hitting longer clubs using the more compact swing. Initially,
I found it a bit awkward, but I quickly found my rhythm. For example,
I would hit a 7-iron instead of an eight, maintaining better control
of my swing motion. Controlling distance has never been my problem,
so we worked on shot trajectory and direction.
Dr. Nicolai Lennox is a long time Blanchard student, who also
happens to have a chiropractic practice in Del Mar, California.
He boasts that, “ Jeff has given me way to understand what
is going on with my swing. I have an approach to fall back on
and get my swing back to where it belongs. The exercises I learned
and using the EZ light work!” In his capacity as a medical
professional, Dr. Lennox has also attended the Board Certified
Continuing Education seminar and makes use of Blanchard’s
methods in his practice.
Golf Injury Seminars are highly personalized. I found it extremely
beneficial, and at 8.1, my handicap is the lowest it’s ever
been. Playing “Better Golf” isn’t easy, but
if you’re willing to work at it, the effort certainly pays
Physician…Heal Thy (Golf)
Now 48, Doc seriously took up golf at 35 and turned pro ten years
later. Paired with a PGA Tour player in a tournament at Torrey
Pines, Blanchard felt that his game was not that far off the pro
level. He wondered if he could compete at the top echelon, and
committed to devoting 20 hours a week to training. “I’ve
fallen in love with the everyday practice and necessary self-discovery
to playing better golf. Practicing what I preach, I’ve reduced
my handicap to a +1,” declares Blanchard proudly. Doc is
happy with his game, but as an aspiring Senior PGA Tour player
he reveals, “Shoot 69, and you get lapped by the field.”
Personal instructor Bob Cisco says, “Jeff is fine tuning
his game and mental focus to play the Senior Tour and from all
indications, I would now say he is in position to accomplish that
goal. No small feat I may add.”
Information on MUA, corporate and group clinics, speaking engagements
or the Blanchard Golf Injury Seminars schedule can be obtained
by calling: 805-772-8298 or at,
Finkel is the author of “The Secrets to the Game of Golf
& Life”. He writes for and appears on the nationally
syndicated TV show, “Links Illustrated”.