
"Working with you and your Golf Injury Seminars has been an enjoyment. Having been instrumental in having the California Chiropractic Association utilize your talents when I was its Chairman of Conventions and Seminars it was a decision that led to an outstanding experience. Not only did you receive some of the highest reviews given to a speaker, but the depth and breadth of your knowledge was great enough to convince me to personally enroll in your certification program.

As a doctor of chiropractic, sitting in your class was an even better experience for the information and skills you provide to your students is second to no other seminar.

Simply stated, the Golf Injury Seminars is one of the best programs available to the profession."

- Robert D. Argyelan, DC
Past President and former Chairman of Conventions & Seminars for California Chiropractic Association


"It is without reservation that I recommend the Golf Injury Seminar by Dr. Jeff Blanchard. The New York State Chiropractic Association brought Dr. Blanchard to Rochester, NY to present this program. Having just completed his 8 hour program, several colleagues and I are making arrangements to bring Dr. Blanchard back to NY in the fall to put on his full 3 day program.

Dr. Blanchard's seminar is filled with pragmatic and powerful information which can be implemented into practice immediately. The feedback I received from the 50 doctors attending was overwhelmingly positive, enthusiastic and appreciative. He uses a very interactive approach to learning and makes ample use of audiovisual teaching aids. The attentiveness of the entire class over the 8 hour program is a testament to the exemplary teaching of Dr. Blanchard."

John M Ventura, DC, DABCO
Chairman, Continuing education, New York State Chiropractic Association


"I can honestly say, coming from both an educator and clinicians perspective that your certification course was top notch; being not only informative but practical in every sense of the word. There is nothing like spending time learning a new technique or method and being able to apply it to your present patients the very next day, and with the expected success."

- Dr. Gary Pirnat
Faculty - Southern California University of Health Sciences


"Excellent seminar, one of the best I have ever attended! Dr. Blanchard gives a complete package. Great notes, study material, and visual aids. All very functional in an office. This seminar is a true "turn-key" operation. The functional movements I will use on every patient, not just on golfers. The bonus of the weekend was the best golf instruction and swing mechanics I've ever had!"

- Jeff Robinson, DC


"Wow! Finally after 40 years of being a Chiropractor, I attended a seminar that was worth the time, energy and money. I have played golf for 40 plus years but your course gave me the 'how' and 'why' of the golf swing. Even though I played some professionally, I didn't truly understand the swing on the supporting muscular structures and how it all comes together. Now I do."

- William S. Billmyre, DC


"I signed up for the Golf Injury class because I have a lot of golfers as patients and it was close to home during a weekend I had free. When the email came telling me to dress in golf attire and bring clubs, I was a bit uncomfortable. I am not a golfer and have never been what one would call athletic, but I 'put on my big girl pants' and went.

Not only did I have one of the most informative and well organized chiropractic seminars I have ever taken (and I take lots!) but I had a blast. Everything taught was done so in a way that would fit perfectly into any chiropractic office using any technique. If I never instruct a golfer on how to change his/her swing to prevent injuries, it was still worth it because of all the other fantastic information I received that was immediately incorporated into my practice.

I decided to put myself through the training series for a month before starting to advertise and do patients. The non-golfer and non-athletic chiropractor just bought a set of clubs and I am now looking forward to golfing for the rest of my life. I look forward to taking the class again and sending my new associate as soon as she graduates. This has to be the easiest practice builder for a new chiropractor I have ever seen.

I just can's say enough about this fantastic experience. Thank you Jeff Blanchard!"

- Bernice Johnson, DC, Dics


"This seminar exceeded all my expectations, I can without hesitation say that after 18 years of continuing education, this was the most informative seminar as far as applicable uses. It was also a lot of fun!"

- Bert Bradford, DC


"This class was well organized. Taking the beginners and intermediate online courses made me prepared for this class. I thought that the marketing suggestions were excellent. Although I do not play golf often (or well), I feel confident discussing various aspects of the game with avid golfers and PGA instructors. The swing analysis portion I felt was the most valuable topic in all classes. When I market myself I will definitely be going over the 3 key points with the public."

- Nick Nowicki, DC


"Thank you Jeff! This was a great seminar. I really feel that I understand the mechanics of a swing and how to determine if someone is at risk of injury. And you were right - it did peak my interest to start getting into the sport!"

- Vanessa Troise, DC


"I believe this was the best seminar value for the money I've had in years, possibly ever. The information is all 100 percent usable both for improving and understanding my own game and for easily and readily understanding the bio mechanics of those I evaluate. Both diagnosis and treatment protocols are easily understood and treatments easily recommended. Marketing protocols were based on realistic, inexpensive and effective processes and expectations."

- Rick Boatright, DC


"I loved your class! It was fun and informative. I've spoken to several country club groups with great success. Thanks for such great info!"

- Lynn Knuth, DC



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